Once Upon a Time...
There was us. There will never be a better love story than that.
March 2, 1962...the story began. Our first date. Today, August 18, it continues as we celebrate together, a life that has taken us 50 years to cultivate. We were just kids back then so we have actually grown up together. You are my best friend, my protector and my love. The journey has had its ups and downs but together we have always come out on the other side. It really is amazing at how fast the time has passed, even when there were years that I thought we would never get through. We have made a wonderful little family and together we have said goodbye to so many people we have deeply loved. We have traveled the world and yet spent the first 35 years practically never leaving the neighborhood because of medical issues. I look back on our first day and it seems like yesterday. I look forward to our future and see roads that still need to be traveled. I can't imagine traveling those roads with anyone but you...Our shared jokes and laughter, our secret language and quirks, our conversations and habits will be ours to take into eternity. So much of who we are is because of what we mean to each other. So let's just keep on doing what we've always done because it seems to be working out nicely...
Way back when.
Now, to this lovely time in our lives. Such a beautiful and loving family. Each one brings their own unique gifts to our life. We are so fortunate in their love and attention.
So life moves on. I do believe we have this marriage thing down. Let's move on just like we always have...growing together into this new quiet time of life. Together we will move forward. Taking good care of each other and having some fun along the way.
A lot of months back, when I first heard this song, I knew right away it was our new song. Oh, yes, we have had many "our songs" along this journey but this one is ours for this time. It's like it was written for us to celebrate and look back. We were just kids when we fell in love...and every Christmas Eve, for as long as I can remember we dance, maybe not in the grass but in the dark, when everything turns quiet. To that favorite song that we love. We have been dancing our entire life...so this one is for you...You are perfect for me. I love you.